What is a Hearth Witch?

We all see things differently and this is my way of doing things that I wanted to share as I have no one to pass on what I do to. I am a Solitary and have never belonged to a Coven so everything I have learnt is from books, study and practical experience over the years.

To me being a Hearth Witch is about focusing on honouring the Goddess by taking care of the home. A way of giving sacred meaning to daily household chores using blessings and rituals. To cook with meaning and adding magickal intent to meals. Making items for the home, friends and family that are filled with love and magickal intent.

I will talk about the tools I use and where I got them from or how I made them. You will find Recipes for the Sabbats, Esbats and various Celebrations. I hope that you will enjoy my blog.


You do not NEED certain tools they are simply nice to have I focus on the practical side of things so use what I have or can make or get that is inexpensive.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kitchen and Ritual tools

The tools of a Kitchen or Hearth Witch are no different to any other kitchen tool or appliance the only difference is we add meaning to them. It is not the tool that is magical it is the intent you add when using them that counts.

Take a look and see what I mean  Tools of a Kitchen Witch

BLENDER : Mingling with others, Stirring up energy

COOKBOOK : Book of Shadows, Excellence, Virtue

COOKIE TIN : Sweet things in life, Pleasure

CRISPER : Invigoration and Restoration

CUPBOARDS : Savings, Supplies, Providence

DISH TOWEL : Stricture, Determined precision

DISHWASHER : Leisure, The Water Element, Convenience

DRAIN : Troubles, Burdens, Bad habits

DRAWERS : Hidden matters, Material goods

FOOD WRAP : Prudence, Conservation, Control, Secrets

FORK : Piercing, Penetrating, Perception

FUNNEL : Flow, Unhindered order, Coaxing energy along

KNIFE : Cutting away, Sharpness of mind, Separation

MEASURING CUP : Evaluation, Allotment, Caution

MICROWAVE : Acceleration, Legal expedition

OVEN  Passion, Fertility, Fire Element

OVEN BURNERS : The Four Directions/Elements

OVEN FAN : The Air Element, Movement, Clearing vision

PITCHER : Abundance, Invigoration, Refreshment

REFRIGERATOR : Cooling temper, Preservation, Protection

ROLLING PIN : Discipline, Moderation, Control

SIFTER : Sorting out confusion, Organization, Filtering negativity

SPATULA : Sensibility, Recycling, Changing directions

STEAMER : Slow processes, Even temperament

TEA KETTLE : Divination, Alertness, Kinship, Health

THERMOMETER : Observations Skills, Analysis

WHISK : Excitement, Increasing bounty

WINDOW : Winds of change, Refreshment, Vital energy

The Serving Spoon.
When blessed for Harmony, a good choice for serving out portions to your family.
Mixing Spoon
To stir energy into your food.
Straining Spoons
Can be hung to filter out negative energies.
For sensibility, and changing directions.
Cutting away the bad, sharping of the mind.
For perception and for excitement, energy and abundance.
To follow your decision or path.
For invigoration and refreshing.
Let flow troubles, burdens, and bad habits to the sea.
Sorting out confusion, organization, filtering negative energies.
(Source: gaiasgiftscrystals.co.uk)

By thinking about your tools you can soon see that can be used in making meals extra special and add magical intent to them.
When making a cake you may use a sifter for the flour you are filtering out negative energy, when stirring ingredients with a spoon you are stirring in positive energy.
You have all the tools you need already it is just a case of adding meaning to what you do.

Now a word on Ritual Tools.
You do not need tools, yes every book that you read says 'you need'  this tool or that tool for the altar. I have found that tools are not needed so why do we use them?
They help us focus on what we are doing using a tool for ritual purpose only makes it special but you do not have to go out and buy expensive things.

What is a Cauldron?
A cooking pot that was used over an open fire with a wide top or mouth. People used them all the time and they were the normal thing to have in bygone days.
It is said every witch should have a Cauldron, have you seen he price of them? I could not afford to buy one so what did I do? easy use a bowl. Mine is glass, a Pyrex bowl and it works well. Why worry about buying something when you probably have something that will work just as well.

Athames and Bolines
A  knife that is used in spell work or in rituals it is used by you and you alone.
You can buy really fancy looking Athames and they can cost a lot there are cheaper ones around as well but why not search other sources. Charity shops, gift stores, museum shops, hardware stores and even camping stores.
All these places have a wide variety of items, letter openers in metal or wood can often be found in charity shops and gift stores. Museum shops often have  small daggers or letter openers in a variety of styles. A small kitchen knife works well as an Athame, how about a pen knife it is small and easy to store away.
Here are some knives I have used and still use.
The Black handled knife was bought in a camping store the white handled knife was in a gift store of all places. The centre Athame is a wooden one that I bought from a Wicca store it had the Pentagram on it already I added the colour myself and the leaf design and beads. None were expensive and all serve their purpose well. Athames are usually have black handles and Bolines white handles. A Boline is used for cutting herbs, cords or cutting symbols into candles.

I have never bought a wand and never will. I like the look of wands that you can but but again why buy one when you can make one!
I have a Rowan wand that I made myself. I have a Rowan tree close to the flat I live in and I love that tree it is special to me. So I asked for a wand from the tree and I waited I made offerings to the tree and one day I found a long thin branch on the ground that was just right for a wand.
I allowed the twig to dry out properly and that took a few months as I wanted it seasoned and the bark was slowly coming off on its own.
I carefully stripped the bark and rubbed it down with sand paper. Then I dressed the wand with oil once a day for a week then once a week for a month then once a month for year and after that once or twice a year. I use Olive oil with some essential oil added to it.
This site is great if you want to make your own wand.
Make a Wand

I don't like adding crystals to my wands and I cannot carve either so my wands are plain. I am in the process of making another wand from a London Plane tree
It is slowly being worked on and I have yet to rub it down.

All other Altar tools

Chalice / Goblets are lovely but again can be expensive so why not find a really pretty wine glass or maybe a pottery goblet.

Incense holder or burners again hunt around for one you will be surprised how many there are out there. I don't use charcoal burners as they are too smokey but you can get small containers that could be used for the charcoal that are inexpensive and safe to use without breaking the bank in the process.
I use incense sticks they are cheaper and easy to get hold of.

Candles buy what you can afford, I use tea lights they are easy to get hold of and I can put them under an oil burner to burn out when I need them to burn out completely.

Ritual clothing personally I do not wear robes, I have tried it but it is not me. I do use a shawl that I knitted or a piece of jewelry when I feel the need. All the clothing does is put you in a magical frame of mind.

These are the basics but you get the idea think outside the box and if you can buy something cheaper or make it yourself go for it. There is no right or wrong way to do things especially if you are a Solitary do what is right for you. I have adhered to what the books say and began to realise it did not feel right to me so I changed things and now I happy with what I am doing. That is the key being happy with things, it makes your rituals more meaningful and having items that are special to you makes them special.
I always cleanse anything I buy that is to be used for rituals no matter where I get them from. I don't want someone elses energy attached to them, who knows what sort of day they have had or who has handled them before I get them.

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