What is a Hearth Witch?

We all see things differently and this is my way of doing things that I wanted to share as I have no one to pass on what I do to. I am a Solitary and have never belonged to a Coven so everything I have learnt is from books, study and practical experience over the years.

To me being a Hearth Witch is about focusing on honouring the Goddess by taking care of the home. A way of giving sacred meaning to daily household chores using blessings and rituals. To cook with meaning and adding magickal intent to meals. Making items for the home, friends and family that are filled with love and magickal intent.

I will talk about the tools I use and where I got them from or how I made them. You will find Recipes for the Sabbats, Esbats and various Celebrations. I hope that you will enjoy my blog.


You do not NEED certain tools they are simply nice to have I focus on the practical side of things so use what I have or can make or get that is inexpensive.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer Solstice Litha

I Love the Summer Solstice also known as Litha, it is a Sun Festival or Fire Festival if you like.The Holly King vanquishes the Oak King to begin his reign.
You can learn more about them here The Oak and Holly King
The Goddess is now the Mother giving us more than what we need.  Crops are in full growth and the garden is bursting with life, their is an abundance of fruit and vegetables.

  The Summer Solstice marks the end of the waxing year and the start of the waning year, when the sun’s power begins to fade and the days grow shorter.

Colours of Litha: Blue, Green Gold Yellow, Orange and Red

Animals and Mythical Beings:   Cattle,  Robin, Wren Horses,   Faeries, Dragons Satyrs
Foods: Honey, Fresh vegetables, Lemons, Oranges, Summer fruits,Bread.

On Midsummer Night, Elves, Sprites, and Faeries abound, making this a great time to commune with them. William Shakespeare's Mid Summer Nights Dream is all about the Faery Realm at this time of year.
Now I know some people will throw their hands up in horror when I say this, but I don't like Shakespeare, I find it hard to understand. I have read many of his plays and studied them for exams but I still find the language hard to understand.
So at this time of year I read stories about Faeries and re-acquaint myself with some Faery stories from childhood I have a Grimm's and Hans Anderson story books. My Husband Colin got them for me as my books were thrown out by my Mother many years ago and when he found out he bought me the Fairy Story Books that I had loved so much as a girl.
I have a book that I read and yes it is a children's book but it is fun to read and full of magic.
A Midsummer Nights Faery Tale, I read it each year before the Solstice and it always puts me in the mood for the celebrations. Midsummer Nights Faery Tale
I love little Sneezle he is so sweet,  that is him below.

Why is Litha also  named Mid Summer?
Using the old calender that our ancestors used Summer begins at Beltane May 1st and ends at Lammas August 1st. This makes Litha or the Summer Solstice midway between the two hence Mid- Summer.
If you think about it this makes more sense than the more modern suggestion that Summer starts June 21st as it is from them that days slowly get shorter as the Sun's power wanes.

My Activities for Litha 2014
Each year I like to do something different and this year I have decided to make something new.
A God's Eye

How to make a God's Eye

I will post a picture of my own God's Eye when I have made it.

I love Faeries so will make  new ones and this time they will be a little different  Yarn Faeries made from a Yarn Doll pattern I found here Yarn Dolls   
I am going to add wings and if I can find them some artificial flower petals that I have in my card making items.

For my Kitchen I will decorate a wooden spoon. I love wooden spoons and use them a lot but I do not have one that is decorated so will decorate one for Litha. I will add a picture of my spoon later.

My Litha Meal
Dinner  is going to be Ravioli from Marks and Spencer with a salad.
Now why did I chose this?
 This year I chose a ready meal something I rarely use but as my Husband has not been well and is only just getting his appetite back he likes Ravioli so I am going with that and making a nice fresh salad to go with it.
It is low calorie and I am doing my best to lose weight and this meal means I have something tasty.
Dessert will be a Lemon Cheesecake, individual ones not a large one.
Drink will be Sparkling Elderflower.

Celebrating each Sabbat helps to keep you in touch with natures cycles. I like to make things for each sabbat and enjoy either cooking something or creating a menu that reflects the sabbat.
Blue Faery

My Yarn Faeries

I did not make legs for my Faeries as I wanted them look as if they had a dress on.

Lavender Faery

Rose Faery

 I can make more Faeries each year and hang them on some twigs that I have and use them as a decoration for Litha.

This is my God's Eye

I like to use what I have and for this I used drinking straws. I used six straws in total, I kept two straws whole and split the others down the middle. By cutting then down the middle I was able to push them onto the whole straw making them strong enough to use. Then I created the cross as instructed on the website and made the God's Eye, I added the bead in the middle as I thought it looked nice.

I will make more of these as well and add them to the branches each year it should make a colourful decoration.

My Spoon
 I am not an artist but I do my best and try to make things look pretty.
My Kitchen Spoon

This is the top of the Spoon The symbols  and colours represent
Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

I chose these as we cannot do anything in the Kitchen without them. The Earth supports plants as they grow, Air or Wind helps pollinate plants and makes trees grow strong, Fire or the Sun helps plants grow, Water feeds them. The Elements are part of all life so I thought it appropriate to have them on my spoon.

This is the middle part of the Spoon handle and each silver dot represents the Full Moon so there are 13 in all.
This is the bowl of the Spoon, see I said was not an artist.
I used wood glue to add the sliver of wood to the bowl so I could add the Key and Symbol, I wanted it raised so it is visible.
To me the Key is a symbol of the home and opening doors, so I added a Key as I am a Hearth Witch and as I learn new things I open the door to understanding.
The Symbol below the Key is the symbol of my Magical Name. The design and I say that loosely, is a vine and flowers, well sort of, it looks better from a distance.

The Spoon is a visual reminder of my chosen Path and something that I will see every day as I work in the kitchen. I give my tools Magickal Names you don't have to but I like doing it, for me it makes the tool extra special.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Candle Magick

So what is candle magick?
Well we have all used candle magick, if you have ever had a Birthday cake with candles and made a wish as you blew them out the flames, then you have performed simple candle magick.

The difference between the birthday wish and candle magick is this. With candle magick you are focusing your intent for a specific thing, it can be anything from needing extra money to pay a bill or to send positive energy to a friend in need.

 How do you perform Candle Magick?

It really is not that hard and once you have the basics you will soon find ways to do this that suit you. Always remember to believe your spell will work, you don't want to add negative energy to your spell.
You will find various sites that state you must have a certain coloured candle well  let me tell you a little secret  'The candle has no idea what colour it is'.
I use white candles a lot as they are easy to get and they reflect the spectrum of colours.

The important thing to do is Cleanse your candles to rid them of any negative energy they have picked up. Remember they have been handled many times by various people and you have no idea what sort of day they have had so it makes sense to cleanse the candle.

Cleansing a candle is no different to cleansing anything else so use the method that you prefer. I like to use Salt, Incense, Water and Flame.
I also place the candle on my Altar and ask the God and Goddess to bless my candle, this is something I like to do and not something I have read about.
Search around and read how to do this and find a way that you feel happy with there are many ways to cleanse items.Do what feels right to you.
This shows you one way to Cleanse items.
How to Bless Consecrate and Cleanse Altar Items

Once the candle is cleansed you need to dress it, this is done with various oils.

Dressing a candle
First of all choose the oil you want to use I will go into this later on for now I want to tell you how to add the oil to the candle.
First of all I like to add the oil to my hands and then to the candle.
This is important
I always add essential oil to a base oil before I use it and always make sure it safe to use on the skin.

Take the candle in your hand and rub the oil onto the candle.
You do it this way:
1) To attract something to you: Rub the oil from wick to base, then from wick to the middle of the candle.
Do Not rub the oil up and down the candle go in one direction only. You can ask the God and Goddess to bless the candle or meditate on your intent, you can do both.
2) To repel or banish something rub the oil from the middle to the top then from the middle to the bottom of the candle again Do Not rub the oil up and down the candle.

Now a word on Colours
As I said the candle has no idea what colour it is so if you don't have a green candle to attract the money to pay a bill or red candle for strength to cope with something what can you do?
The answer is simple use a white candle and add a red or green card under the candle holder, the colour is for you to focus on.
I have added sites about Candle Magick at the bottom of this posting you will find more about colours and their meaning there.

Now for the Oils
Essential oils are usually added to a base oil and then added to the candle. Unless you are lucky enough to have a selection of Essential oils and lets face it they are expensive, you will probably not have the oil you want to use.
So what are you going to do? Well I use herbs, so for example I want to attract a little extra money to pay that bill and I need Cinnamon for Prosperity and I have no Cinnamon Essential oil. I do however have Cinnamon in my Spice rack, so I use that by adding a pinch to the base oil.

Base or Carrier oils are used as essential oils are not normally used directly on the skin so make sure you use a base oil. Now these are many and varied and all have their own uses. Use the one you like and can afford. Personally I go with a light olive oil as I always have that to hand but if you want to use a carrier oil.
I have added two links one for Essential oils and one for Carrier oils.
Magickal Uses of Essential Oils

Carrier and Base oils

What sort of candles do you use?
In practical terms any, it all depends on how much you want or can afford to spend. You can get candles called Spell candles these are usually around 6 inches long but any candle will do. Shorter candles are used as they are left to burn down so having a shorter one makes sense.

How to use Tea lights
Yes even tea lights can be used  they come in a variety of colours and some are even scented. I use white tea lights a lot and devised my own way dressing them. So far I have not found a site that tells you how to do this, I may be wrong but I have not found one.
A tea light has no up or down so you may think they cannot be dressed for spells. However I came up with this idea:
I use the oil and essential oil or herbs as normal and to dress the candle. Take the tea light out of the foil container rub the oil onto the candle using my finger Clockwise ( Deosil) to attract things to me, or Counter Clockwise  (Widdershins) to repel or banish. I do this on the top and sides of the tea light then put it back into the foil and I am ready to go.
Now this is a little trick I use to allow my tea light to burn down and be useful as well. I pop it under an Oil Burner that has oil and water in the top usually with a corresponding room fragrance oil. For example if I am using Cinnamon to dress my candle I use a Cinnamon room fragrance oil.
You can get oils for oil burners from just about anywhere and some are fairly cheap so you can have a selection of them and your spell candle can sit under the oil burner and fragrance the room as well.

Oil burners some in all shapes, sizes and designs these are my Oil Burners

 Inscribing your Candle
You can add symbols or words to your candle as well. This can be done with your Athame or Boline I however I prefer a smaller tool that I find easier to use and keep it for that purpose alone.
I use this
That's right a pen that no longer works, it does the job perfectly and is easier to use than an Athame or Boline.

When to perform your Spell
Some sites tell you to perform a spell on a set day or Moon phase this is fine but not always practical as you may need to perform a spell at a different time to the one suggested.
I work spells as and when needed rather than a set moon phase, after all I may need that extra money for the bill when the Moon is Waning and your meant to perform the spell  during a Waxing Moon . So how do you word your spell? ask that any obstacles be removed allowing you make it possible to pay the bill.
So don't wait for the correct moon phase use what you have and think about how to ask for what you need in a different way.

Sites I found useful about Candle Magick.

Candle Magic

Candle Colours and their Magickal Properties

The Art of Candle Magick

Candle Magick

You may like to make what is called a Working Candle I found it on YouTube and have made one for myself.
This is my Working Candle you can just see the carvings in it if you look closely and this is how you make it.

How to make a Working Candle part 1

How to make a Working Candle part 2

I love Candle Magick it is easy to do and candles are plentiful so you are never stuck trying to find something special.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Besoms are used as ritual tool to cleanse the area before casting a circle, they can also be used to clear negative energy from your home and to ward of negative energy as well. To learn more about Besoms click the links below.
History of the Besom

Besom Chants

By now if you have read any of my other posts you will be aware that I do things my way.
So I decided to make my own Besom from materials I had in the garden after all it would contain all the energy of my garden and would be unique.
I already had the handle from the Holly I had used at Yule.

Holly for Protection

For the skirt or bristles I chose Rosemary for Purification, Lavender for Protection, Grass for warding of negative energy and Fennel for Purification and protection.
I have a huge Rosemary bush that needs trimming back every year. Fennel that grows where it wants. Lavender that is growing nicely and had plenty of dried stems on it  and long ornamental grass that grows strong every year.

Garden twine made from Jute to bind
Black Embroidery thread. Black to rid negativity
Black permanent marker pen
Artificial flowers = White Rose and yellow spring flowers white for Purity Yellow for Change
Lavender ribbon =  Spirit and Protective energy
Heart = Love
Tree = Tree of life
 Sun and Moon symbol  = God and Goddess
 small Citrine = Cleansing and Turquoise bead = Success

Boline Knife

I assembled everything together and cast my circle in the usual way and cleansed everything before I started then I began making the Besom

I started with the Fennel cutting it to the length I wanted and tied this to the Holly ( this was already at a length I wanted)  using the black thread. I then used Rosemary cutting it the length I needed again and bound that with black thread and did the same with the Grass and Lavender. Finally I bound the whole thing with the Garden Twine so everything was nice and secure.
I trimmed the ends around the handle so they looked neat and tidy using the Boline. ( the one with the white handle in a previous post)
I wound the ribbon around the skirt tying it off  neatly.
I added the Heart, Tree, Sun and Moon symbols and the Citrine and Turquoise beads. These were charms so had tiny fasteners that I was able to hook over the ribbon so they will not fall off.
Then I added the flowers this was easy as the yellow fowers were for candle decorations and a white button hole. So it was a case of thread some ribbon through the ring of the yellow flowers and tie it in a bow at the back and add the white button hole in the violet ribbon making sure it was secure.

Finally I cut down to the white wood of the Holly handle and added symbols using the marker pen ( I cannot carve so use marker pens instead) that I thought appropriate. My name symbol, the symbol for the name of the Besom and a Pentagram.
I gave thanks and asked for a Blessing on my new Besom and opened my circle .

My New Besom hanging in my Kitchen

 Here she is in the garden, her birth place if you like.

Not a traditional Besom but my Besom that holds all the protective energy of my garden and the perfect size for my home.

I also have a tiny Besom over my front door

This hangs over my front door on the inside the Black to remove negative vibrations Pentagram for protection and the Rowan Besom that I made for Protection and Success.
Close up of my mini door besom
Then I have a mini Besom Asperger that is also made from Rowan that is used to sprinkle water in my Rituals.
Here is the beautiful Rowan tree who has so kindly given me my mini Besoms and my Wand

She over looks my garden and has given me some beautiful tools as well as the berries to make Rowan Jelly from.

So there you have it a Besom that is full of energy and love and something that I made and will serve me for a long time. So don't be afraid to make a small Besom from what you have it will be yours and have meaning to you.
No garden? that is fine work with what you find on walks, maybe a tree has shed a small branch or thick twig that you can use as a handle, pick it up leave an offereing of a small coin or if you are sat under the tree and you have some water with you give some to the tree. For the skirt of the tree you can use some rafia or some straw along with some herbs you can buy herbs in supermarkets, you can use any plant that is to hand that will provide protection. Go with what you have it is your Besom after all, large or small it will be special to you and have meaning for you.
I know purists would hate the idea but I look at it this way, people used what they had in days gone by and if that was Birch they used it, if not they used what they had around them.
The same goes with cooking, just look at the variety of stews, people used what they had and it became the traditional way of making the dish, the same goes with tools and the materials they used.
So if you want a Besom have a go at making one it really is not hard to do if I can do it so can you.

Kitchen and Ritual tools

The tools of a Kitchen or Hearth Witch are no different to any other kitchen tool or appliance the only difference is we add meaning to them. It is not the tool that is magical it is the intent you add when using them that counts.

Take a look and see what I mean  Tools of a Kitchen Witch

BLENDER : Mingling with others, Stirring up energy

COOKBOOK : Book of Shadows, Excellence, Virtue

COOKIE TIN : Sweet things in life, Pleasure

CRISPER : Invigoration and Restoration

CUPBOARDS : Savings, Supplies, Providence

DISH TOWEL : Stricture, Determined precision

DISHWASHER : Leisure, The Water Element, Convenience

DRAIN : Troubles, Burdens, Bad habits

DRAWERS : Hidden matters, Material goods

FOOD WRAP : Prudence, Conservation, Control, Secrets

FORK : Piercing, Penetrating, Perception

FUNNEL : Flow, Unhindered order, Coaxing energy along

KNIFE : Cutting away, Sharpness of mind, Separation

MEASURING CUP : Evaluation, Allotment, Caution

MICROWAVE : Acceleration, Legal expedition

OVEN  Passion, Fertility, Fire Element

OVEN BURNERS : The Four Directions/Elements

OVEN FAN : The Air Element, Movement, Clearing vision

PITCHER : Abundance, Invigoration, Refreshment

REFRIGERATOR : Cooling temper, Preservation, Protection

ROLLING PIN : Discipline, Moderation, Control

SIFTER : Sorting out confusion, Organization, Filtering negativity

SPATULA : Sensibility, Recycling, Changing directions

STEAMER : Slow processes, Even temperament

TEA KETTLE : Divination, Alertness, Kinship, Health

THERMOMETER : Observations Skills, Analysis

WHISK : Excitement, Increasing bounty

WINDOW : Winds of change, Refreshment, Vital energy

The Serving Spoon.
When blessed for Harmony, a good choice for serving out portions to your family.
Mixing Spoon
To stir energy into your food.
Straining Spoons
Can be hung to filter out negative energies.
For sensibility, and changing directions.
Cutting away the bad, sharping of the mind.
For perception and for excitement, energy and abundance.
To follow your decision or path.
For invigoration and refreshing.
Let flow troubles, burdens, and bad habits to the sea.
Sorting out confusion, organization, filtering negative energies.
(Source: gaiasgiftscrystals.co.uk)

By thinking about your tools you can soon see that can be used in making meals extra special and add magical intent to them.
When making a cake you may use a sifter for the flour you are filtering out negative energy, when stirring ingredients with a spoon you are stirring in positive energy.
You have all the tools you need already it is just a case of adding meaning to what you do.

Now a word on Ritual Tools.
You do not need tools, yes every book that you read says 'you need'  this tool or that tool for the altar. I have found that tools are not needed so why do we use them?
They help us focus on what we are doing using a tool for ritual purpose only makes it special but you do not have to go out and buy expensive things.

What is a Cauldron?
A cooking pot that was used over an open fire with a wide top or mouth. People used them all the time and they were the normal thing to have in bygone days.
It is said every witch should have a Cauldron, have you seen he price of them? I could not afford to buy one so what did I do? easy use a bowl. Mine is glass, a Pyrex bowl and it works well. Why worry about buying something when you probably have something that will work just as well.

Athames and Bolines
A  knife that is used in spell work or in rituals it is used by you and you alone.
You can buy really fancy looking Athames and they can cost a lot there are cheaper ones around as well but why not search other sources. Charity shops, gift stores, museum shops, hardware stores and even camping stores.
All these places have a wide variety of items, letter openers in metal or wood can often be found in charity shops and gift stores. Museum shops often have  small daggers or letter openers in a variety of styles. A small kitchen knife works well as an Athame, how about a pen knife it is small and easy to store away.
Here are some knives I have used and still use.
The Black handled knife was bought in a camping store the white handled knife was in a gift store of all places. The centre Athame is a wooden one that I bought from a Wicca store it had the Pentagram on it already I added the colour myself and the leaf design and beads. None were expensive and all serve their purpose well. Athames are usually have black handles and Bolines white handles. A Boline is used for cutting herbs, cords or cutting symbols into candles.

I have never bought a wand and never will. I like the look of wands that you can but but again why buy one when you can make one!
I have a Rowan wand that I made myself. I have a Rowan tree close to the flat I live in and I love that tree it is special to me. So I asked for a wand from the tree and I waited I made offerings to the tree and one day I found a long thin branch on the ground that was just right for a wand.
I allowed the twig to dry out properly and that took a few months as I wanted it seasoned and the bark was slowly coming off on its own.
I carefully stripped the bark and rubbed it down with sand paper. Then I dressed the wand with oil once a day for a week then once a week for a month then once a month for year and after that once or twice a year. I use Olive oil with some essential oil added to it.
This site is great if you want to make your own wand.
Make a Wand

I don't like adding crystals to my wands and I cannot carve either so my wands are plain. I am in the process of making another wand from a London Plane tree
It is slowly being worked on and I have yet to rub it down.

All other Altar tools

Chalice / Goblets are lovely but again can be expensive so why not find a really pretty wine glass or maybe a pottery goblet.

Incense holder or burners again hunt around for one you will be surprised how many there are out there. I don't use charcoal burners as they are too smokey but you can get small containers that could be used for the charcoal that are inexpensive and safe to use without breaking the bank in the process.
I use incense sticks they are cheaper and easy to get hold of.

Candles buy what you can afford, I use tea lights they are easy to get hold of and I can put them under an oil burner to burn out when I need them to burn out completely.

Ritual clothing personally I do not wear robes, I have tried it but it is not me. I do use a shawl that I knitted or a piece of jewelry when I feel the need. All the clothing does is put you in a magical frame of mind.

These are the basics but you get the idea think outside the box and if you can buy something cheaper or make it yourself go for it. There is no right or wrong way to do things especially if you are a Solitary do what is right for you. I have adhered to what the books say and began to realise it did not feel right to me so I changed things and now I happy with what I am doing. That is the key being happy with things, it makes your rituals more meaningful and having items that are special to you makes them special.
I always cleanse anything I buy that is to be used for rituals no matter where I get them from. I don't want someone elses energy attached to them, who knows what sort of day they have had or who has handled them before I get them.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Kitchen Chants and Blessings

I like to use various Chants as I work in the kitchen or the home in general. It helps to make the chores magical and infuses meaning into what I do, a way of focusing on the job at hand if you like.
These are my Chants and Blessings and you are welcome to use them if wish.

This Blessing I use when I have spring cleaned the Kitchen I do this a few times in the year trust me no matter how often I wipe the cupboards out they still need a good old tidy up and sort out. I am not the only one who uses the cupboards as my Husband helps in the kitchen as well.

 Cupboard Blessing

Beloved Brigid Goddess of Hearth and Home
Goddess of Sunrise, Wells and Springs
I ask your Blessing upon my things.
Bless my cupboards upon my wall
Bless my cupboards on my floor
Bless their contents one and all
Bless them all forever more.

 Counter Chant

Goddess this counter that I now clean
Will look the best its ever been.
For like the Altar it will be
A sacred place for you to see.

 Appliance Blessing
Beloved Brigid I come to you,
With a heart that is true.
Bless my cooker and every pot,
Bless the appliances that keep things hot.
Bless washing and drying machine,
That dries my clothes and keeps them clean.
Bless the Fridge and Freezer too
That keeps the food good as new
Bless them all as they will be
Used both Mundane and Magically.

 Tool Charge

Collect together an asperger, water, incense, salt and a white candle.
Cast a circle to encompass the whole kitchen
Call to the Goddess and the God and the Elements
Add the salt to the water ask for it to be Blessed
Light the Candle and Incense.

Face East and hold the asperger (An asperger is a device traditionally  constructed of either brass or silver, used to sprinkle water for purification at the beginning of spells. I use a mini besom that I made as an asperger)  in your Power hand and walk Deosil ( clockwise) and sprinkle the water from the asperger as you walk around saying:
Earth and Water charge these tools
that each day I do use,
Remove from them all negativity
Charge them with positive energy

Do the same with the Incense and Candle asking Air and Fire to charge the tools.

Then call upon the Goddess and God:

Goddess Brigid and God Cernunnos
With your love these tools infuse
As each one I do use
Charge each with your love and care
As the food I do prepare
Charge them each and every one
So my work will harm none.

 Ingredient Blessing

Goddess Brigid
As each ingredient I do use
With your love let it be infused  
They grew in the Earth with love and care
They grew strong with wind and Air
Fire  warmed them as the sun 
As Water fed them one by one
Bless this food that I prepare
Bless it with your love and care.

Dusting and Cleaning Chant

As I  do now dust and clean
Let my home sparkle and gleam
Negative energy cannot stay
in a home that's bright as day

Floor Mopping Chant

A tacky floor will not do
With soap and water I clean you.
 My trusty mop will make you gleam
Until my face can be seen.

Chants and Blessings help to make what you do a little more magical they can be funny, serious, rhyme or not it is up to you. There is no right or wrong way to do it and you can make up chants for any chore you do, I say them in my head but you can say them out loud if you like.
Try making some up of your own you don't have to be a poet have some fun playing around with words until it feels right to you.

My Aprons

Every Kitchen Witch has an apron, well this one does in fact I have three.

This one I made myself from scrap material and it is hand sewn I named it my Element Apron as it has all the colours of the Elements. The back is made from black material so it wards off negative energy. This was easy to make and I use it when I make things for rituals, herb sachets, making cleaning products, polish, dressing candles that sort of thing.

This one is my Crafting Apron I bought it cheap on Amazon and added the floral decoration to make it mine.
The flowers represent each Element and Spirit this apron is used when I make things that need painting or when I use clay. That way I do not get my clothes all messy and if it gets stained it will not matter. This picture was taken before I used it. To be fair this apron is large I had to alter it a bit to fit me when they say one size fits all they weren't joking as the ties went around below my hips.

This where I got the apron from   Orange Apron

This is my Cooking Apron again I bought it from Amazon as it was cheaper to buy it than the material was. I added the cross stitch designs myself.

A simple cross stitch heart and wording stitched onto some lace edged Aida. I used cross stitch around the edges to sew it to the apron. I used Iron on Vilene to cover the back so the stitches are fixed.
The design on the pocket was taken from a Cross stitch magazine I used the colours I had rather than buy more thread. This time I frayed the Aida and used the Vilene to make sure the threads were neat on the back and took it right up to the frayed edges. To sew it to the pocket I used white thread and did a simple running stitch all the way around using the tiny squares on the Aida. I went around it twice leaving a decent gap between so it does not balloon.

This is where I got the apron from   Green and White apron

So no matter what I do I am able to stay reasonably tidy and clean.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Magical Needlework

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love knitting and that I make things for friends, family and charities as well as for myself.
I like to add meaning to my work and that means knitting with magical intent. I also do cross stitch and sew as well.
Now a word on sewing I am not great at sewing and every thing I make is really easy to do it has to be because sewing is not strong point. I had a Grandmother ( my Father's Mother) who sadly I never met who was not only a Witch but a Seamstress.
There she is back left with her Husband my Grandfather along with the family the tall gentleman at the back right is my Uncle Jack with his wife Aunt Sally on his left, the lady on the end is his sister, my Aunt Martha. The lady stood next to Grandfather and the other gentleman were friends of the family and he was the best man.  Seated in front is my Uncle Charlie and his first wife, my Father took the photo. All the dresses were made by my Grandmother and she added magical intent to all of them.

Now I should explain that my Father was born October 16th 1906 and as you can see the picture is a old one. My Father told me that his Mother would do little things before she started sewing and would add items to the garments for love and protection, very often hiding them in the design or the hems. 
My Father was also a Witch but I did not know this until after his death in 1974. Back then people did not openly admit to being a Witch or Pagan in any way. He told me things that at the time did not mean a lot to me but know I understand what he was telling me.
 ( I was born September 21st 1953 a late arrival and my brother was even later in January 12th 1959. My Mother was born July 1st 1918)

How do I add meaning to my sewing and knitting?
It is easier than you think, first of all I gather all the things I am going to use together lets say I am going to knit a scarf for someone.
Needles, yarn, pattern, scissors, tape measure.
I cleanse everything so it holds no negative energy.
 I do this in bulk whenever possible it makes life easier and then I put the yarn away in a tub so nothing can effect it adding a Citrine crystal to the tub this means the yarn does not need cleansing again.
I use incense, water, salt and a candle.
You can do this within a circle or not it is up to you personally I do not as I work in my sacred space and do find the need to cast a circle to cleanse these things.

Okay I can hear you what is a Sacred Space?
Sacred Space is not always within a Circle it can be created anywhere at any time. It is a place where you can meditate or work in that is special to you. It is place of peace and calm and it allows you to interact with the world.
Sacred space is flexible and adaptable so can be created in the home or in the garden.

First chose your space I have two:
1) The sofa where I sit and knit or sew, read and listen to music
2) In the garden where I can sit and relax or meditate.
Both are special to me and I made them my Sacred spaces so that I could be within the area and feel the peace.

Sacred Space Ritual
First of all Clean the area of any clutter and remove any negative energy this can be done with Incense, Water, a Candle and Salt.
Sprinkle some salt in the area and say
May Earth cleanse this space upon this day so negative energy will not stay
Light the Incense and say
May Air cleanse the space for me and remove all negativity
Light the candle and say
May Fire cleanse this space for me and burn away all negativity
Sprinkle some water in the area and say
May Water wash the space and may it be washed clean of all negativity

Consecrate the Space
This is when you bless the area dedicating it the God and Goddess, Elemental, the Fae, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels it is up to you do what feels right to you.
I use some anointing oil and say a simple chant or prayer.
God and Goddess
Bless this space so it will be
Infused with your Love now for me
All that I do within this place
Will be filled with your Love and Grace

I like to keep something in the space that is a reminder of this simple ritual it can be a stone, a coaster or an ornament, whatever it is use something with meaning to you.
Repeat this simple Sacred Space Ritual and blessing as you feel the need, I do this once a month or more depending on what is going on within the home. Negative energy can be brought into the home from outside so a regular cleansing is always a good idea.

So there you have it a place that is sacred to you were you can work and the cat and people can come and go without disturbing the circle. My cat Dyan will curl up at my side while I knit or do cross stitch or spread himself out depending upon his mood.

Dylan making himself comfortable
So I cleanse my yarn and needles and anything else I will use before I start my project

Sprinkle some salt over the items and say
May Earth cleanse all that I will use so negative energy will not confuse
Light the Incense and say
May Air cleanse all before me and remove all negativity
Light the candle pass the items over the heat of the flame not too close though and say
May Fire cleanse all that I will use for me and burn off all negativity
Sprinkle some water in the area and say
May Water wash away all negative energy from these things right away.

I will then meditate on what I am going to make for whom so that my intent is clear before I begin making the garment.

Now before I begin I decide on what I will make, the colour and sometimes the number of stitches or length if appropriate.
Colours have various meanings so lets go with scarf I made for my Brother
Black for Protection
Blue for Health
Red for Strength
White for Peace
I chose a simple rib pattern of K2 P2

Cast on 30 sts. Needles 5mm. Yarn DK
Row 1: Slip 1 knit wise, k1, *p2, k2; repeat from * to last 4 sts, p2, k1, p1.

Row 2 Slip 1 knit wise, p1 *k2, p2; repeat from * across.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until Scarf measures 60 inches, end with a wrong side row (Row 2).
Bind off in pattern.Weave in all ends. 

The slip stitch gives a nice edge to the work. I tie in the new colour loosely then undo the knot later on and sew in the ends when finished.
I changed colours making sure each section was the same size.
Meaning of stitches 30 = 3 this is for Results and growth
Four colours 4 = Security and health
Length was 60 inches 6= Balance

Now you don't have to use all these to add meaning it can be colour only if you like it is up to you but you can see how easy it is to add Magical Intent to your work.
 You can also add meaning by starting a project on a particular day

 You can also use  Moon phases to add meaning to your project

It really is not hard to do and it makes the garment extra special as well.
My Grandmother would add a note to the garment wishing the person Good Health, Wealth and Love. She would also add items like a coin to curtain hems or some herbs to a hem of a dress, trousers or skirt nothing that would stain the garment or be seen but something to give it  added meaning.
My Father said he would be asked gather herbs from the garden and when they were dried some were added to jars for the kitchen whilst some were added to sachets and placed in her work basket. He said all her sewing things smelt of Lavender and Rosemary.
Lavender = Protection
Rosemary = Purification
I do the same thing so I suppose I am carrying on a family tradition.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Today is May 1st  so we celebrate the Spring and marriage of the God and Goddess you can learn more about this by clicking the link below.

Beltane Celebrations

each year I like to make something for Beltane and this year I created a Fairy Garden.
It is a simple little garden that I created using of all things a dog bowl. Yes it may be an odd thing to use but it is silver and will not break in the frost and will not rot away like a wicker basket would.
I added some beads that would make it look pretty and attached them to the holes in the side on a length of bead elastic again this will not rot away.

In this picture you can see the fairy statues that I used.

This picture shows the Mushroom  ornaments, stones, bark and the plants that are growing plus the stone welcoming the Fae to my garden. Last year I had made a small garden but the basket I used rotted so I used the compost and plants from that to make the new Fae Garden.

Inside I have a tiny Altar to the Fae and this year I have changed it around and added some new things
I love this ornament and simply had to have her. I used a terracotta plant saucer some fine sand, some fossils, a piece of pottery I dug up in the garden  ( the grey piece top right) and some stone I found a long time ago top left. A mini cauldron with quartz crystals in it and a tiny acorn that I found, yes it is real. The fairy statues in the front are made of pewter as is the unicorn.
Here is a close up of the altar.

For the Beltane Ritual I created my a mini Maypole. I uses a small candle holder some card, ribbons, a gold bead and some yarn
I rolled the card up so it would fit into the candle holder and used some ribbons that I had and pushed these into the top. The Gold bead holds them in place and the yarn is yellow, white and pink plaited together to go around the top of the Maypole. I also plaited a tiny Goddess out of yellow yarn and sewed in some french knots as flowers in the head part.
This is my Beltane Altar. I use the counter top in the kitchen as I do not have space anywhere else.
A small pot of flowers  from the garden contains Lilac, Daisy, Forget-Me-Nots and some White blossom.

I created cards for my rituals as I find it easier to use them rather than using the Book of Shadows. I bought some cards for each Sabbat and used them for my rituals.

The Card I bought for Beltane

Inside the card I have my ritual along with various pictures. I covered the card inside with paper that has hearts on it as it is romantic time of year I thought it went well with marriage of the God and Goddess.
I also decorated the envelope and I store all my Sabbat cards in my altar box.
Tonight we will be having a Curry as our Beltane meal as it is spicy and I like to have something spicy on Beltane. Each year I make different meal for the various Sabbats.
Here are some ideas for things to do for Beltane     Beltane Activities 

Each year I like to something different that way I keep things interesting and it is fun to make new things.