What is a Hearth Witch?

We all see things differently and this is my way of doing things that I wanted to share as I have no one to pass on what I do to. I am a Solitary and have never belonged to a Coven so everything I have learnt is from books, study and practical experience over the years.

To me being a Hearth Witch is about focusing on honouring the Goddess by taking care of the home. A way of giving sacred meaning to daily household chores using blessings and rituals. To cook with meaning and adding magickal intent to meals. Making items for the home, friends and family that are filled with love and magickal intent.

I will talk about the tools I use and where I got them from or how I made them. You will find Recipes for the Sabbats, Esbats and various Celebrations. I hope that you will enjoy my blog.


You do not NEED certain tools they are simply nice to have I focus on the practical side of things so use what I have or can make or get that is inexpensive.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Candle Magick

So what is candle magick?
Well we have all used candle magick, if you have ever had a Birthday cake with candles and made a wish as you blew them out the flames, then you have performed simple candle magick.

The difference between the birthday wish and candle magick is this. With candle magick you are focusing your intent for a specific thing, it can be anything from needing extra money to pay a bill or to send positive energy to a friend in need.

 How do you perform Candle Magick?

It really is not that hard and once you have the basics you will soon find ways to do this that suit you. Always remember to believe your spell will work, you don't want to add negative energy to your spell.
You will find various sites that state you must have a certain coloured candle well  let me tell you a little secret  'The candle has no idea what colour it is'.
I use white candles a lot as they are easy to get and they reflect the spectrum of colours.

The important thing to do is Cleanse your candles to rid them of any negative energy they have picked up. Remember they have been handled many times by various people and you have no idea what sort of day they have had so it makes sense to cleanse the candle.

Cleansing a candle is no different to cleansing anything else so use the method that you prefer. I like to use Salt, Incense, Water and Flame.
I also place the candle on my Altar and ask the God and Goddess to bless my candle, this is something I like to do and not something I have read about.
Search around and read how to do this and find a way that you feel happy with there are many ways to cleanse items.Do what feels right to you.
This shows you one way to Cleanse items.
How to Bless Consecrate and Cleanse Altar Items

Once the candle is cleansed you need to dress it, this is done with various oils.

Dressing a candle
First of all choose the oil you want to use I will go into this later on for now I want to tell you how to add the oil to the candle.
First of all I like to add the oil to my hands and then to the candle.
This is important
I always add essential oil to a base oil before I use it and always make sure it safe to use on the skin.

Take the candle in your hand and rub the oil onto the candle.
You do it this way:
1) To attract something to you: Rub the oil from wick to base, then from wick to the middle of the candle.
Do Not rub the oil up and down the candle go in one direction only. You can ask the God and Goddess to bless the candle or meditate on your intent, you can do both.
2) To repel or banish something rub the oil from the middle to the top then from the middle to the bottom of the candle again Do Not rub the oil up and down the candle.

Now a word on Colours
As I said the candle has no idea what colour it is so if you don't have a green candle to attract the money to pay a bill or red candle for strength to cope with something what can you do?
The answer is simple use a white candle and add a red or green card under the candle holder, the colour is for you to focus on.
I have added sites about Candle Magick at the bottom of this posting you will find more about colours and their meaning there.

Now for the Oils
Essential oils are usually added to a base oil and then added to the candle. Unless you are lucky enough to have a selection of Essential oils and lets face it they are expensive, you will probably not have the oil you want to use.
So what are you going to do? Well I use herbs, so for example I want to attract a little extra money to pay that bill and I need Cinnamon for Prosperity and I have no Cinnamon Essential oil. I do however have Cinnamon in my Spice rack, so I use that by adding a pinch to the base oil.

Base or Carrier oils are used as essential oils are not normally used directly on the skin so make sure you use a base oil. Now these are many and varied and all have their own uses. Use the one you like and can afford. Personally I go with a light olive oil as I always have that to hand but if you want to use a carrier oil.
I have added two links one for Essential oils and one for Carrier oils.
Magickal Uses of Essential Oils

Carrier and Base oils

What sort of candles do you use?
In practical terms any, it all depends on how much you want or can afford to spend. You can get candles called Spell candles these are usually around 6 inches long but any candle will do. Shorter candles are used as they are left to burn down so having a shorter one makes sense.

How to use Tea lights
Yes even tea lights can be used  they come in a variety of colours and some are even scented. I use white tea lights a lot and devised my own way dressing them. So far I have not found a site that tells you how to do this, I may be wrong but I have not found one.
A tea light has no up or down so you may think they cannot be dressed for spells. However I came up with this idea:
I use the oil and essential oil or herbs as normal and to dress the candle. Take the tea light out of the foil container rub the oil onto the candle using my finger Clockwise ( Deosil) to attract things to me, or Counter Clockwise  (Widdershins) to repel or banish. I do this on the top and sides of the tea light then put it back into the foil and I am ready to go.
Now this is a little trick I use to allow my tea light to burn down and be useful as well. I pop it under an Oil Burner that has oil and water in the top usually with a corresponding room fragrance oil. For example if I am using Cinnamon to dress my candle I use a Cinnamon room fragrance oil.
You can get oils for oil burners from just about anywhere and some are fairly cheap so you can have a selection of them and your spell candle can sit under the oil burner and fragrance the room as well.

Oil burners some in all shapes, sizes and designs these are my Oil Burners

 Inscribing your Candle
You can add symbols or words to your candle as well. This can be done with your Athame or Boline I however I prefer a smaller tool that I find easier to use and keep it for that purpose alone.
I use this
That's right a pen that no longer works, it does the job perfectly and is easier to use than an Athame or Boline.

When to perform your Spell
Some sites tell you to perform a spell on a set day or Moon phase this is fine but not always practical as you may need to perform a spell at a different time to the one suggested.
I work spells as and when needed rather than a set moon phase, after all I may need that extra money for the bill when the Moon is Waning and your meant to perform the spell  during a Waxing Moon . So how do you word your spell? ask that any obstacles be removed allowing you make it possible to pay the bill.
So don't wait for the correct moon phase use what you have and think about how to ask for what you need in a different way.

Sites I found useful about Candle Magick.

Candle Magic

Candle Colours and their Magickal Properties

The Art of Candle Magick

Candle Magick

You may like to make what is called a Working Candle I found it on YouTube and have made one for myself.
This is my Working Candle you can just see the carvings in it if you look closely and this is how you make it.

How to make a Working Candle part 1

How to make a Working Candle part 2

I love Candle Magick it is easy to do and candles are plentiful so you are never stuck trying to find something special.

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